Unlike similar solutions, all Volimax disposable formworks are produced with a standard 70 mm foot.
Volimax disposable formworks for voided slabs have been especially designed in this way since slab thicknesses less than 70 mm in an unrealistic and risky under real job-site conditions.
However, in accordance with the project design, the need for a thicker lower slab can be achieved by attaching foot extensions of 80, 90, 100, 110 or 120 mm to 70 mm fixed legs.
Thanks to this different design, ABS Yapı always keeps inventory ready for immediate shipment and can easily take back any surplus products.
When placing Volimax disposable formworks on site, a spacer can be used so that the distance between the formworks can be adjusted quickly and easily. The spacer ensures that the distance between two formworks is fixed at 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 or 20 cm.
It is recommended that the formworks do not move during concrete casting, and that they are connected to the underlying structural steel with a steel wire. However, Volimax spacers also help the formworks not to move during casting.